NECTR Northeast Clinical Trials Group, LLC
"We help make healthy possible."
All research subjects must be informed and consent to their decision to participate in all clinical trials. NECTR follows strict guidelines for conducting Informed Consent Processes in order to keep our subjects educated of the risks and potential benefits of participating in our studies. Below are the enrollment steps.
Step 1: Contact us at NECTR*
Or you can call us at 570-504-5507
To respect your time and interest, NECTR's goal is to respond as promptly as possible. We will do our best to get back to you by the following business day.
1. During the screening visit, we will review the study with you in detail, as well as give you the opportunity to ask any questions. If you decide to participate, our study coordinators will review your completed consent form with you and ask you to sign in order to give us permission to proceed with the screening evaluations.
2. The evaluations done during the screening visit are to determine if you are eligible. In many cases, blood samples will be drawn for laboratory tests (or other necessary diagnostic tests). The screening visit usually takes about an hour. You may need to return to the clinic for a second visit before entering the study.
Step 3: Study Enrollment (If Selected)
If you qualify to enter the study, we will schedule you for an entry visit. You will then receive your study medication at this time. There may also be additional lab tests that will need to be conducted. During this visit, the treatment regimen will be reviewed with you and you will be given information about potential side effects as well as phone numbers to call with questions or problems. The frequency of your visits to the clinic will depend on the study. Studies vary in length from a few weeks to several years with several follow-up visits that will be scheduled far in advance.
Step 4: Database Enrollment (If not Selected)
There are occasions when your specific information does not fit into the requirements set forth by the study protocol. While you won't be able to enroll in that particular study, we ask that you allow us to enter your information into our patient database so that we may be able to contact you for enrollment into a future study.*
*Northeast Clinical Trials Group (NECTR) DOES NOT share any information you disclose to us with any outside entity. All information is handled as confidential and we will protect your privacy rights.
Press the form button to fill out the enrollment form